Note: no wholesale prices in this category
Prices include 20% VAT
From the marble quarry in Amstall, Lower Austria
cut: cabochon oval
origin: Austria
treatment: untreated
clarity: opaque
Location: Styrian side of Pack alp, a mountain range between Styria and Carinthia
cut: cabochon oval
origin: Austria
treatment: untreated
clarity: opaque
Exact location: Weißenkirchen, formerly Maria Buch), Mur Valley, Styria, Austria
cut: cabochon oval
origin: Austria
treatment: untreated
clarity: very distinct inclusions
From Millstädter Alp, near Radenthein, Carinthia
cut: cabochon oval
origin: Austria
treatment: untreated
clarity: opaque
From the Ochsner-Rotkopf Massif, Ziller Valley, Tyrol
cut: brilliant
origin: Austria
treatment: untreated
clarity: distinct inclusions
From East Tyrol
cut: cabochon oval
origin: Austria
treatment: untreated
clarity: opaque
Found in 1995 during construction of a tunnel, linking the Innerfragant valley with the upper Wurten valley, Carinthia, Austria
cut: cabochon oval
origin: Austria
treatment: untreated
clarity: opaque
Location: Leiser Mountains, Lower Austria
cut: cabochon oval
origin: Austria
treatment: untreated
clarity: opaque
Exact location: near Gloggnitz, Lower Austria
cut: cabochon oval
origin: Austria
treatment: untreated
clarity: opaque
Exact location: the marble quarries of Adnet, a village in Salzburg province About 200 million yeras old
cut: cabochon oval
origin: Austria
treatment: untreated
clarity: opaque
From Maissau, Lower Austria
cut: cabochon oval
origin: Austria
treatment: untreated
clarity: opaque
From the pedestrian area in Mödling, Lower Austria
cut: cabochon oval
origin: Austria
treatment: untreated
clarity: opaque
Location: Leiser Mountains, Lower Austria
cut: oval
origin: Austria
treatment: untreated
clarity: opaque
From Krumau on Kamp, Lower Austria
cut: cabochon trillion
origin: Austria
treatment: untreated
clarity: opaque
From the marble quarries in Adnet, Salzburg
cut: cabochon oval
origin: Austria
treatment: untreated
clarity: opaque
Exact location: Styrian side of Koralpe mountain range between Styria and Carinthia
cut: cabochon oval
origin: Austria
treatment: untreated
clarity: opaque
Exact location: Loja quarry, Persenbeug, Lower Austria
cut: oval
origin: Austria
treatment: untreated
clarity: opaque
From Gloggnitz, Lower Austria
cut: cabochon oval
origin: Austria
treatment: untreated
clarity: opaque