The Sony creditcard data theft has pushed internet payment security into the limelight once again.
We would like to grasp the opportunity to inform you about how we protect your data when you buy gems from our webshop
At no point during the payment process do we get to know your credit card number, bank account number, PIN or TAN codes.
All payments are conducted by so-called Payment Service Providers (PSP).
Our PSPs are the Austrian Market leader Wirecard and the German Payment Network AG (sofortueberweisung,de).
Note: in 2019 we switched from wirecard to Unzer (Heidelpay, Germany)
All transactions, whether by credit card, online banking (EPS) or are transmitted via secure lines. Look for the letter "s" added to the "http" in the adress bar, thus https instead of http.
We stress that with credit card payments we can reduce the amount if, for example, an item is not available, but we cannot raise it.
We can return EPS (online banking) payments or parts of EPS payments to your account.
Payments transferred by will be returned by Payment Network AG at our request.
In these cases we do not get to know your account data either.
Finally we would like to ask for your understanding that credit card payments of amounts from € 200,00 can only be conducted by "Verified by Visa" and "Mastercard Securecode".
Once bitten, twice shy…